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Common Issues:-


  • I have a good Business going on. Can I do a Licensing Agreement?

  • I would like to sell the shares in the Business to interested buyer. How do I go about it?

  • I am going to deal with a company / individual to provide certain services. How do I put it in writing?

  • I am appointing a company / individual to distribute my goods / services. How do I go about it?

  • I would like to rent out part of my shop to a Tenant who wants to set up a Stall in my Shop. How do I go about it?

  • I have been doing business with a Company. However, times are bad and they have been delaying payments. How do I secure my interests?

  • I am unable to pay for the services or goods supplied to me. Can I enter into a Settlement Agreement with my Creditors?

  • I would like to rent out my property? It is necessary to do a Tenancy Agreement?

  • Is the Tenancy Agreement forwarded to me by the Real Property Agent valid in the Court of Law?


Contact us at 010-8961610 / 018-2614099 (General Line)





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